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Catálogo de proyectos europeos

Este catálogo contiene información sobre proyectos internacionales de investigación exitosos, participados por investigadores de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas.

El objetivo es recopilar experiencias de éxito para fomentar la colaboración de los grupos de investigación andaluces con otras entidades; la formación de consorcios internacionales e incrementar el número de proyectos europeos presentados. Como consecuencia, se persigue también dar visibilidad a la investigación realizada en nuestras universidades y aumentar el retorno de fondos de I+D+i para Andalucía.

Esperamos que la información que aquí encuentre sea de su interés.

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222 resultados

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LEGumes for the Agriculture of Tomorrow. (LEGATO) Universidad de Córdoba

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop ...

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MODelling vegetation response to EXTREMe Events. (MODEXTREME) Universidad de Córdoba

The continuous supply of services provided by agricultural systems is increasingly threatened by climate change in association with an estimated increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves or heavy precipitation events. MODEXTREME has the ...

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MEditerranean MOntainous LAndscapes: an historical approach to cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems. (MEMOLA) Universidad de Córdoba

The project is an interdisciplinary approach to cultural landscapes of Mediterranean mountainous areas, takingas a central axis the historical study of two natural resources essential to generate agro-systems: water and soil.The proposal focuses on Sierra Nevada (Spain), Monti di Trapani ...

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Analyzing metabolism in an unusual nitrogen fixing symbiosis using metatranscriptomics. (TRANSUCYNA) Universidad de Córdoba

UCYN-A is a globally abundant nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium with a very unusual metabolism and lifestyle. These microorganisms express nitrogenase genes with maximum transcript abundances during the light period (Zehr et al., 2007). Previous results in the group of Jonathan Zehr ...

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A new tool for sustainable forest management based on LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging) and THERMAL data integration. (THERMOLIDAR) Universidad de Córdoba

The ThermoLidar project aims to improve the early detection of forest health, producing relevant information to support decisions making in forest planning, and will make the sustainable forest management even more crucial to maintain diverse and productive forest.

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