HIRF synthetic environment. (HIRF-SE)
The HIRF SE research project has the goal of providing the aeronautics industry with a framework which can be used during the development phase to mitigate the EM aspects. In addition it will provide a considerable reduction in the certification/qualification tests required on air vehicle. The HIRF SE main objectives can be summarized by the two followings items: Full validated and integrated solutions to model, to simulate numerically and to test air vehicles for EM aspects during design and certification; To build (from past and ongoing works) an integrated approach with an open and evolutionary architecture.
The HIRF Synthetic Environment expected results can be summarized by the following items: Capability to deal with the increased use of composite materials and structures by the airframe industry. The HIRF SE framework will include the most advanced computational models for the numerical simulation of the EM characteristics and performance of composite materials. Capability to deal with the complete internal and external electromagnetic environment (present and foreseen). The HIRF SE tool will be able to simulate a wide spread typology and number of EM (internal and external) interference sources. To take advantage of a large community to develop and issue a work on modelling of excellence.
The result will be to develop and issue a work of excellence on EM modelling by gathering a large team of scientists, academic and industrial engineers, cooperating to build a reference tool of their own. A developed methodology/tool well recognized inside the civil aviation community in accordance with certification bodies. Taking into account the HIRF Synthetic Environment main objectives and the following expected results it is possible to affirm the HIRF SE project addresses the scope of work described in the FP7 Work Programme.
Universidad de Granada
The HIRF SE research project has the goal of providing the aeronautics industry with a framework which can be used during the development phase to mitigate the EM aspects. In addition it will provide a considerable reduction in the certification/qualification tests required on air vehicle. The HIRF SE main objectives can be summarized by the two followings items: Full validated and integrated solutions to model, to simulate numerically and to test air vehicles for EM aspects during design and certification; To build (from past and ongoing works) an integrated approach with an open and evolutionary architecture.
The HIRF Synthetic Environment expected results can be summarized by the following items: Capability to deal with the increased use of composite materials and structures by the airframe industry. The HIRF SE framework will include the most advanced computational models for the numerical simulation of the EM characteristics and performance of composite materials. Capability to deal with the complete internal and external electromagnetic environment (present and foreseen). The HIRF SE tool will be able to simulate a wide spread typology and number of EM (internal and external) interference sources. To take advantage of a large community to develop and issue a work on modelling of excellence.
The result will be to develop and issue a work of excellence on EM modelling by gathering a large team of scientists, academic and industrial engineers, cooperating to build a reference tool of their own. A developed methodology/tool well recognized inside the civil aviation community in accordance with certification bodies. Taking into account the HIRF Synthetic Environment main objectives and the following expected results it is possible to affirm the HIRF SE project addresses the scope of work described in the FP7 Work Programme.
Incorporate into the framework a state-of-the-art HPC parallel time domain simulator, able to solve the interaction of high intensity radiated fields with air vehicles in an accurate and computationally efficient manner.
A fully documented computer tool based on finite differences and finite elements, for use in the aeronautical industry for EMC assessment of aircrafts and rotorcrafts.
The UGR code is currently outperforming many other tools also developed within HIRF-SE. For this reason, several air-framers (EADS-CASA, INTA, AIRBUS, EVEKTOR…) have already expressed their intention to purchase licenses of the UGR computer tool (UGRFDTD), after the finalization of the project. This will eventually pave the way to the setting of a technological spin-off devoted to the exploitation of this product, initially, expanding lately to cover all aspects of electromagnetic engineering consulting.
Grupo de Electromagnetismo de Granada
Code PAIDI: TIC131
Salvador González García. Socio.
Universidad de Granada
Budget of Andalusian group: € 453,872.00
- Alenia Aeronautica ( ALA ) Project Coordinator Italy
- Lup SAS ( LUP ) France
- Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A. ( HAI ) Greece
- ONERA ( ONERA ) France
- AxesSim SAS ( AXS ) France
- Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" ( URM ) Italy
- Dassault Aviation ( DASSAV ) France
- University of York ( UoY ) United Kingdom
- Alenia Aermacchi ( AAEM ) Italy
- Agusta Westland ( AW ) Italy
- BAE Systems Ltd ( BAeS ) United Kingdom
- Brno University of Technology ( BUT ) Czech Republic
- Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria ( CIMNE ) Spain
- Computer Simulation Technology AG ( CST ) Germany
- Eurocopter Deutschland ( ECD ) Germany
- EMCCons Dr. Rasek ( EMCC ) Germany
- EADS Construcciones Aeronauticas ( EADSCASA ) Spain
- Evektor, spol. s r.o. ( EVEKTOR ) Czech Republic
- Swedish Defence Research Agency ( FOI ) Sweden
- Galileo Avionica ( GA ) Italy
- HispanoSuiza ( HISPANOSUIZA ) France
- Institute of Communication and Computer Systems ( ICCS ) Greece
- Ingegneria dei Sistemi ( IDSIT ) Italy
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial ( INTA ) Spain
- Istituto Superiore Mario Boella ( ISMB ) Italy
- National Aerospace Laboratory ( NLR ) Netherlands
- Oktal Synthetic Environment ( OKTALSE ) France
- Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. ( PAI ) Italy
- Politecnico di Torino ( POLITO ) Italy
- Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. ( PZL ) Poland
- QWED Sp. Z.o.o. ( QWED ) Poland
- Rzeszow University of Technology ( PRz ) Poland
- SPIRIT S.A. ( SPIRIT ) Greece
- Thales Avionics S.A. ( THAV ) France
- Thales Systemes Aeroportes ( TSA ) France
- Thales Communication S.A. ( THC ) France
- Technische Universität HamburgHarburg ( TUHH ) Germany
- University of Twente ( TWENTE ) Netherlands
- University of Granada ( UGR ) Spain
- University of Malta ( UoM ) Malta
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya ( UPC ) Spain
- University of Nottingham ( UoN ) United Kingdom
- Ingegneria dei Sistemi ( IDSUK ) United Kingdom
- Advanced Microwave Systems ( AMS ) Greece
Keywords: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Computational electromagnetics,
Duration: 48 months. December, 1th 2008 to November, 30th 2012
Project cost: € 17,800,000.00