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Integrating CBA in the Development of Standards for Flood Protection & Safety. (FLOOD CBA#2)

This project is built on the experience gained from the delivery of FLOOD-CBA project. FLOOD-CBA#2 integrates CBA into the decision making process for selecting the appropriate protection standard in flood prone areas.

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

This project intends to:

  • Provide overview and details on existing standards applied for flood protection and safety and the methodologies which are implemented for the justification of the related investments.
  • Demonstrate the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) as a tool that enables the end-users to identify flood protection standards.
  • Exploit the results of the FLOOD-CBA project to develop a state-of-the-art guidance.
  • Facilitate the collection, assessment and the exchange of information amongst stakeholders.
  • Validate the quality and applicability of the developed products through the realisation of three pilot case studies.
  • Strengthen the existing prevention mechanism.
  • Promote the transnational cooperation of comepetent bodies all over Europe.


UPO will lead the networking, capacity building, knowledge development and training activities.

  • A knowledge toolkit incorporating all relative information and sources in the development and appraisal of standards for flood protection and safety.
  • Guidelines on the integration of appraisal methods in the development of standards for flood protection and safety.
  • FLOOD CBA 2 Communication and Dissemination Handbook.
  • Press releases and Technical Articles.
  • Leaflets, template in English.
  • e-Newsletters.
  • Books of guidelines.
  • Booklet of project achievements.
  • Layman's Report.
  • Press Entries.
  • Supporting material from the Final Conference.
  • Capitalization Plan.
  • Exploitation Agreement.
  • FLOOD CBA 2 Forum.

The project main results will be:

  • A peer to peer Information Exchange Network;
  • The assessment of current flood defence standards and their appraisal practices;
  • A research on the end users' and stakeholders' views;
  • An interactive project website serving the project's communication and dissemination activities;
  • A Knowledge Toolkit incorporating all relative information and in-depth knowledge sources in the development and appraisal of standards for flood protection and safety;
  • Guidelines on the integration of appraisal methods in the development of Standards for Flood Protection and Safety;
  • Three CBA case studies in selected areas of concern;
  • Three training seminars of key stakeholders; The on-line evaluation of the Knowledge Toolkit;
  • A Helpline Centre for consultation and technical support to interested parties;
  • One transnational cooperation operating under an Exploitation Agreement;
  • A Capitalisation Plan fostering the results' exploitation and sustainability strategy;
  • Broad stakeholders' awareness raising via workshops, a series of informational material and a Final Conference.

The short/ medium term impacts of the project are related to the awareness raising, capacity building and training activities of the involved end users and stakeholders during the project implementation. The anticipated impact will be mostly important to the three participating countries, Greece, Spain and Portugal, where CBA is not applied as a common appraisal practice in flood risk management.

The long term impacts concern:

  • Transferability of the project results to other areas of concern around the EU territory,
  • The awareness raising of policy makers to adapt a common and more sophisticated approach for the development and economic appraisal of flood defence standards.

The FLOOD CBA#2 results will complement the tasks already being carried out by the EU states in the framework of the 2007/60/EC floods directive and especially the provision concerning the appraisal of flood risk management plans taking into account cost and benefit aspects.

Coastal Environments

Code PAIDI: RNM911

Fátima Navas Concha.  

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Budget of Andalusian group: € 97,500

SIGMA Consultants Ltd (GR)

University of Middlesex (UK)

Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (ES)

Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)

Municipality of Amandor (PT),

Region of East Macedonia-Thrace (GR)

Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía, in coordination with Red de Información Ambiental de Andalucía (REDIAM) (ES)

Keywords: Flood, prevention, models, CBA
Duration: 24 months. January, 1th 2016 to December, 31th 2018
Project cost: € 795,000