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NOVIWAM aims to promote multilevel and interregional co-operation in the field of water management tools and methods. By learning from the experiences of others and pooling the related know-how and technology, the partners want to increase their capacity to solve in the most eco-efficient and sustainable manner the compelling water management problems faced in the Euro-Mediterranean climate regions. At the same time, the project would contribute to the objectives of the European Water Framework Directive: a good ecological and chemical status of all waters and water management at catchment or river basin scale. The final goal of this initiative would be to exploit the actions associated with the project to potentiate the internationalization of the activities of the participants.

Universidad de Córdoba

To establish long-lasting links between clusters throughout the regions, and allow the triple-helix components to benefit from the scale economies deriving from this multilevel and interregional co-operation. In addition, NOVIWAM will foster the expansion of a wider European research-driven network of clusters in the sector. Mentoring activities are strongly considered, as well as specific needs of clusters from a candidate country (Albania) and those with insularity problems (Cyprus) have been included. Their underdeveloped water management strategies are expected to be strongly improved as a result of the transfer of experiences from Portugal, Spain and France.

To help achieving these objectives, the NOVIWAM project will develop a Joint Action Plan (JAP) for the participating regional clusters designed by establishing a communication process between the clusters and studying the specific needs, weaknesses and capacities (SWOT Analysis) of each one and in general, taking into account the specific characteristics of all of the agents involved: researchers, companies and regional authorities. Additionally, the NOVIWAM project will establish
a programme for the implementation of the JAP, trying to involve other regions into it, and the dissemination of the conclusions of the work at a regional and international level.

The NOVIWAM project would also establish a long-lasting relationship between the participating clusters, promoting mentoring and mutual learning activities as well as further co-operation activities beyond this project.


The work in the NOVIWAM project will be divided into six work packages; four CO-ORDINATION work packages; one OTHER (dissemination) work package, and one MANAGEMENT work package (Figure 3), each comprising several subtasks, in order to achieve the envisaged goal of the project with optimal efficiency. Deliverables of each work packages can be found at:

NOVIWAM will foster a dialogue and reflection process between the participating clusters in order to define a Joint Action Plan (JAP) at European level to drive economic development through research and technological development activities.

Dinámica Fluvial e Hidrología

Code PAIDI: TEP-248

Mª José Polo Gómez. Socio. 

Universidad de Córdoba

Budget of Andalusian group: € 78,110.00

  • Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Research Driven Clusters, Water Framework Directive, Catchment Management, Environment, Water Resources, Basin Managment, SME, Water Supply and Sanitation, Water Resource Management Technologies
Duration: 36 months. February, 1th 2010 to January, 31th 2012
Project cost: € 2,431,556.35