Red Otri de Andalucía. . localhost Red Otri de Andalucía. Ofertas, Proyectos, Patentes, Spin offs es-es Resilient landscapes facing large forest fires: emergency response, improvement of interoperability, and operational and social training in the face of climate change localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/Firepoctep+_detail.png" alt="firepoctep+" title="firepoctep+" />This Project is focused on the Spanish-Portuguese cooperation for the management of extreme wildfire events. The main activities are aimed at mitigating fire impacts on ecosystem services (tangible assets, environmental services, and landscape goods) and global warning. According to the budget limitations, technical efforts should be directed towards specific areas, known as Strategic Management Zones or Potential Control Locations. This idea of concentrate efforts on fire management is underlined by the existence of a new legislation (2022) in forest fires. Furthermore, the project is supported by a previous project (known as "FIREPOCTEP (0756_FIREPOCTEP_6_E") using the same pilot site. 15 de abril de 2024 localhostNone Development of a protein based diagnostic test for equine metabolic syndrome: application in the prevention of laminitis localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/waltham_detail.png" alt="waltham" title="waltham" />In the present project we used mass spectrometry-based proteomics to discover and quantify protein biomarkers for the diagnosis of equine metabolic syndrome, a process with unknown pathophysiology. Equine metabolic syndrome has been related to the predisposition to laminitis, a disturbance of the digit that can result in permanent disability and, in severe cases, lead to euthanasia. The objective of the project is to help clinicians to better manage the disease and prevent laminitis. 11 de marzo de 2024 localhostNone Creating a genetically and demographically functional Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) metapopulation localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/LIFE lynxconnect_detail.png" alt="LIFE LYNXCONNECT" title="LIFE LYNXCONNECT" />The project LIFE 19NAT/ES001055 LYNXCONNECT &lsquo;Creating a genetically and demographically functional Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) metapopulation (2020-2025)' is the fourth European Commission LIFE project for the Iberian Lynx conservation.The previous LIFE project IBERLINCE &lsquo;Recovery of the historical distribution for the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal (2011-2018)' was focused on the recovery of the historical distribution for the Iberian Lynx in the Iberian Peninsula, on its reintroduction in Portugal, Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha, and on the consolidation of the reintroductions carried out by previous LIFE projects in Andalusia. After the achievements of IBERLINCE, LYNXCONNECT's main challenge is to make the Iberian Lynx population self-sustainable and genetically viable in the long term. This will be done by connecting the six existing nuclei and creating two new ones. All this will help to reduce the risk of extinction of this species.LYNXCONNECT's main goal is to connect the existing Iberian Lynx nuclei into a functional self- sustainable viable metapopulation where gene flow between every nuclei is guaranteed. To do so a series of genetic-management actions will be carried out. In addition, the project aims to achieve other specific objectives as decreasing the species' risk of extinction, to improve its population status, to reduce remaining threats, to implement conservation and habitat improvement measures via land stewardship tools and social involvement, and to update the Iberian strategy for the species.LIFE LYNXCONNECT is a transnational cooperation project covering the entire distribution range of the species, participated by environmental and road-conservation administrations of two countries and four Spanish regional governments (Spain, Portugal, Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha, Extremadura and Murcia); environmental non-governmental organization (Adenex, WWF-Espa&ntilde;a and Fundaci&oacute;n CBD-H&aacute;bitat); hunters representatives (Fundaci&oacute;n Artemisan); private companies (Fotex and Fomecam Terra) and with the scientific support of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient&iacute;ficas - Do&ntilde;ana Biological Station. The participative and transnational nature of the project, and the experience gained in previous projects, foster the cooperation between management administrations and other stakeholders involved in land planning, nature conservation and economic development. 11 de marzo de 2024 localhostNone Green and digital continuous-flow pharmaceutical Manufacturing localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/greendigipharma_detail.png" alt="greendigipharma" title="greendigipharma" />This project called "GreenDigiPharma" is funded by the EU and focuses on furans as pharmaceutical intermediates. Furfural, furfurylamine and furfurylamide are important intermediates in the production of various pharmaceuticals. The development of new catalytic methods and materials for the production of this class of intermediate compounds from lignocellulosic residues will have significant economic and environmental benefits. Lignocellulosic wastes are abundant and renewable resources that can be used as a source of valuable chemical products. The conversion of these materials into pharmaceutical intermediates using continuous flow chemistry is an important field of research that has attracted a great deal of interest in recent years. Flow chemistry is an important step towards sustainability and digitalization of pharmaceutical industry. Continuous flow processes enable the utilization of advanced technology and green chemistry, leading to faster, safer and more sustainable APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) production. Under this context, the development of new active and selective catalysts is essential for the efficient conversion of these wastes into high-value products. The objectives of the project are aligned with current trends in green chemistry, which aims to develop sustainable processes that minimize waste generation and reduce environmental impact. Thus, this project aims to develop new catalytic materials for the conversion of lignocellulosic wastes into pharmaceutical intermediates with particular interest in the catalytic deactivation mechanism. This research has significant potential to contribute to the development of sustainable processes for the production of high value chemicals in industry.Project mission: To transform pharmaceutical manufacturing with green and digital methods, creating eco-friendly drug production routes, and adopting innovative technologies. We will do this by collaborating with 7 universities, 1 research center, and several industry partners during our secondments. 5 de diciembre de 2023 localhostNone MERGING SUSTAINABLE AND DIGITAL CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GREENER-BY-DESIGN PHARMACOLOGICAL localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/suspharma_detail.png" alt="suspharma" title="suspharma" />The EU-funded SusPharma project plans to design safe- and sustainable-by-design chemicals for use in pharmaceuticals. Researchers will use renewable carbon as the building block of scaffolds and motifs for drug synthesis and clean synthetic methodologies for C-X bond formation. Focus will also be placed on developing new continuous purification methods and performing technoeconomic and life cycle assessment analyses to assess the impact of the proposed pharmaceutical production methods. Ultimately, researchers will develop autonomous flow platforms for drug molecule synthesis using photocatalytic and electrochemical methods.To address the challenge of green and digital transition and proper supply of health technologies and products, SUSPHARMA will focus on research and innovation activities that aim at integrating five breakthrough concepts: CAT-to-PHARMA, WASTE-to-PHARMA, FLOW-to-PHARMA, PUR-to-PHARMA, and DIGITAL to PHARMA. This will deliver results that are directed to pharmaceutical industries, researchers, and innovators, prompting them to develop and produce greener pharmaceuticals that are either greener by design, intrinsically less harmful for the environment, or use greener and economically more sustainable manufacturing processes and technologies. 14 de noviembre de 2023 localhostNone Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/BONEX_detail.png" alt="bonex" title="bonex" />BONEX es un proyecto que congrega 16 entidades (universidades, centros de investigaci&oacute;n, pymes y una organizaci&oacute;n internacional) de 8 pa&iacute;ses (Espa&ntilde;a, Portugal, Italia, Alemania, L&iacute;bano, Marruecos, T&uacute;nez y Jordania) que trabajan colaborativamente para avanzar hacia una gesti&oacute;n eficiente e integrada del nexo agua-energ&iacute;a-alimentaci&oacute;n-ecosistema (WEFE, por sus siglas en ingl&eacute;s), de modo a generar simult&aacute;neamente beneficios econ&oacute;micos, sociales y medioambientales (incluida la reducci&oacute;n de gases de efecto invernadero) en la regi&oacute;n mediterr&aacute;nea. 9 de octubre de 2023 localhostNone Biodiversity and ecosystem services variability across the El Niño gradient in the Peruvian and Brazilian forests localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/eu-lac_detail.jpg" alt="eu-lac" title="eu-lac" />The main goal of the project BRESTROPS is to investigate the changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services, promote a fair distribution of resources, and preserve the Natural Capital in rural communities of tropical forests. Combining experimental and modelling approaches, it will study plant and soil biodiversity and ecosystem services across an elevation and climate gradient in the main area of largest impact of ENSO (Dryland coast, the Andes mountains, and the Amazonian rainforest). The main outcome of BESTROPS is to provide new open knowledge on the cultural and social dimension of tropical ecosystems, and insight in policy making without risking the natural capital under the forecasted climate change scenarios. 28 de septiembre de 2023 localhostNone Mastering Electrode Surface to Achieve Ultra-High Reversible Capacity localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/master_detail.jpg" alt="master" title="master" />The MASTER aims to advance a new concept for the surface design of electrode materials to achieve reversible capacities that approach the theoretical ones. The proof-of-concept will be validated by the construction of a full Na-ion battery. This battery is targeting to reach the EGD's goals for introducing of affordable large-scale energy storage technology. The most innovative output is the MASTER database, by which the lead candidates as electrodes will be selected. The consortium comprises multidisciplinary teams from Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey and it covers the full value chain from TRL2 to TRL4. 21 de septiembre de 2023 localhostNone Beyond Xylella, Integrated Management Strategies for Mitigating Xylella fastidiosa impact in Europe localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/bexyl_detail.png" alt="bexyl" title="bexyl" />BeXyl is an EU-funded research project aiming to secure and exploit the research outcomes achieved by advancing and transferring into practice the most promising prevention and containment strategies. BeXyl means "Beyond Xylella". That suggests the time is ripe to move away from emergency mode to more sophisticated management strategies against Xylella fastidiosa current outbreaks and prevent new introductions in Europe. 19 de septiembre de 2023 localhostNone Slow growing forests management for Climate Change Mitigation localhostNone <img style="float: left;padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom:10px;" src="localhost/static/photologue/photos/cache/LIFE_detail.jpg" alt="life" title="life" />The establishment of emission trading systems has promoted ambitious GHG reductions by creating economic incentives to reduce CO2 emissions from many activities. Outside this control system are the diffuse sectors, less intensive in energy use (residential, transport, waste, agriculture, fluorinated gases and other industries) but responsible for around 40% of EU GHG emissions.Regulation (EU) 2018/842 of the European Parliament and of the Council, shows the interest of the EU in promoting the reduction of emissions from these sectors. To do this, it is necessary to develop regulatory and operational frameworks at the National or Regional level that channel the compensation interest of these sectors towards actions capable of sequestering additional Carbon to that fixed by the natural environment. LIFE CO2RK develops a battery of integrated actions in 3 Member States, at national and regional level, with different starting points in terms of political, legal and operational maturity. The goal is to complete the design and development of legal, administrative, financial and technical tools that allow the certification and registration of the carbon sequestered by forest management practices, enable its exchange in Compensation and channel investments from diffuse sectors in exchange for offset carbon. This private financial flow that can be essential for sustaining the Phagaceae forests in the EU, which due to their slow growth are not being used in CO2 capture policies, despite that scientific evidence ensures that the complex ecosystems they generate have a high capacity for CO2 fixation. The project will be developed in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests and replicated in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests, whose products do not emit CO2 but fixes it for a long useful life (cork in industries, wood in construction). The results can be extrapolated to a family with a large distribution throughout the EU, in complementary habitats in the Natura2000 Net, with a great impact in biodiversity and socio-economy. 19 de septiembre de 2023 localhostNone