Catálogo de proyectos europeos. Universidad Universidad de Córdoba
Este catálogo contiene información sobre proyectos internacionales de investigación exitosos, participados por investigadores de las Universidades Públicas Andaluzas.
El objetivo es recopilar experiencias de éxito para fomentar la colaboración de los grupos de investigación andaluces con otras entidades; la formación de consorcios internacionales e incrementar el número de proyectos europeos presentados. Como consecuencia, se persigue también dar visibilidad a la investigación realizada en nuestras universidades y aumentar el retorno de fondos de I+D+i para Andalucía.
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131 resultados
El proyecto de cooperación plurirregional REFLORESTA se desarrolla en el marco del Programa Interreg España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2021-2027. REFLORESTA plantea metodologías innovadoras para el diseño y gestión de paisaje resilientes a incendios forestales, a través de información basada en modelos de ...

Phytosanitary products are major component of modern agriculture contributing to the substantial increase in yields and crop protection. Their accumulation in the environment presents risks to humans and living beings in front of a spectacular development of resistance to pesticides ...

Microplastics (MPs) are extremely persistent, ubiquitous and have the ability to adsorb/absorb chemicals from the surrounding environment. Marine organisms ingest microplastics and the chemicals are transferred through the food chain, and may potentially reach humans through the consumption of fish ...

The use of dried blood spot (DBS) samples in doping analysis is becoming a promising matrix because of their great operational advantages (e.g. minimally invasive, cost-efficient, analyte-stabilizing, possibility of increasing testing frequencies, etc.). Doping testing of small peptides (SPs) is ...

The BIOMEDPACK project focuses on creating packaging and biopreservation solutions derived from the valorization of the lignocellulosic and bioactive fractions of agro-industrial by-products from the Mediterranean region. Its main objective is to reduce food waste and the loss of nutrients ...

El proyecto "HIBA" creaba los fundamentos de un espacio de cooperación transfronterizo dirigido a fomentar la competitividad y sostenibilidad empresarial en el sector agroalimentario, utilizando la digitalización como pilar esencial. La continuación de este proyecto mediante "HIBA+" persigue capitalizar los ...

The I-ReWater project focuses on using reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation in the SUDOE region. It assesses the availability and quality of reclaimed water compared to conventional sources, aiming to reduce reliance on conventional water. The project will develop a ...

HY4RES is an European project led by Trinity College Dublin, co-funded by INTERREG Atlantic Area. The project includes nine partners in four countries (Ireland, Spain, Portugal and France) that are working in the field of hybrid renewable energy systems in ...

The great challenge for agriculture in the SUDOE area is to mitigate the consequences of climate change, in particular the increasingly frequent drought episodes. The availability of fresh water continues to decline, making the agricultural sector, which is highly dependent ...

The Mediterranean Diet (MD) heavily relies on olive oil, particularly Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), for its health benefits. However, the full potential of EVOO's beneficial properties, specifically its phenolic compounds (PCs), is not fully realised due to potential loss ...

This Project is focused on the Spanish-Portuguese cooperation for the management of extreme wildfire events. The main activities are aimed at mitigating fire impacts on ecosystem services (tangible assets, environmental services, and landscape goods) and global warning. According to the ...

In the present project we used mass spectrometry-based proteomics to discover and quantify protein biomarkers for the diagnosis of equine metabolic syndrome, a process with unknown pathophysiology. Equine metabolic syndrome has been related to the predisposition to laminitis, a disturbance ...

The project LIFE 19NAT/ES001055 LYNXCONNECT ‘Creating a genetically and demographically functional Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) metapopulation (2020-2025)' is the fourth European Commission LIFE project for the Iberian Lynx conservation.The previous LIFE project IBERLINCE ‘Recovery of the historical distribution for the ...

This project called "GreenDigiPharma" is funded by the EU and focuses on furans as pharmaceutical intermediates. Furfural, furfurylamine and furfurylamide are important intermediates in the production of various pharmaceuticals. The development of new catalytic methods and materials for the production ...

The EU-funded SusPharma project plans to design safe- and sustainable-by-design chemicals for use in pharmaceuticals. Researchers will use renewable carbon as the building block of scaffolds and motifs for drug synthesis and clean synthetic methodologies for C-X bond formation. Focus ...

BONEX es un proyecto que congrega 16 entidades (universidades, centros de investigación, pymes y una organización internacional) de 8 países (España, Portugal, Italia, Alemania, Líbano, Marruecos, Túnez y Jordania) que trabajan colaborativamente para avanzar hacia una gestión eficiente e integrada ...

The main goal of the project BRESTROPS is to investigate the changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services, promote a fair distribution of resources, and preserve the Natural Capital in rural communities of tropical forests. Combining experimental and modelling approaches, it ...

The MASTER aims to advance a new concept for the surface design of electrode materials to achieve reversible capacities that approach the theoretical ones. The proof-of-concept will be validated by the construction of a full Na-ion battery. This battery is ...

BeXyl is an EU-funded research project aiming to secure and exploit the research outcomes achieved by advancing and transferring into practice the most promising prevention and containment strategies. BeXyl means "Beyond Xylella". That suggests the time is ripe to move ...

The establishment of emission trading systems has promoted ambitious GHG reductions by creating economic incentives to reduce CO2 emissions from many activities. Outside this control system are the diffuse sectors, less intensive in energy use (residential, transport, waste, agriculture, fluorinated ...

CODECS is a four-year Horizon Europe project that gathers 33 partners all around Europe and which is coordinated by the University of Pisa. The project aims to improve the motivation and the capacity of European farmers to understand and adopt ...
Plant health and forest decline are nowadays becoming a challenge for conservation of agroforestry systems. To ensure the preservation of these ecosystems it is necessary to improve tools and strategies enhancing their adaptation to the outbreak of Alien Invasive Plant ...

Soil erosion modelling can help define efficient and targeted mitigation strategies by identifying the long-term controlling factors and the areas where, and periods during which, soil is at high risk of erosion. However, to define such strategies, there remains a ...

This project creates an ecosystem throughout the entire cereal production chain, demonstrating sustainability and competitiveness in all production stages of the flour, malting and baking industries focused on reaching the high sustainable standards of the market.In the primary sector, the ...

WheatSecurity aims to enhance sustainability, security, and nutritional quality of one of the most important sources of human calories, wheat. («WheatSecurity» project, PCI2022-135028-2, is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR")

13 partners - research institutes, universities, and companies from all over Europe combine their competencies to overcome the drawbacks of perovskite photovoltaics.SUNREY will be carried out in close cooperation between science and industry, in order to strengthen the innovation of ...

HIBA aims to promote a Pluriregional Agrodigitalization ecosystem through the creation of a Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) network that encourages business initiative, competitiveness, and sustainability, promoting post-Covid19 economic reactivation. The Iberia Network will facilitate and/or drive digitalization, focusing on: • ...

Primary biological aerosols (bioaerosols, mainly pollen and fungal spores, but also bacteria and viruses) released into the air by plants, fungi, and other biota, are strongly impacted by climate change. Simultaneously, they also directly affect the climate through interactions with ...

The rise of digitalization, specifically digital media use, provides people with expanded possibilities in terms of informing and expressing themselves, as well as sharing their opinions and communicating with each other, and thus enables them to develop new and multiple ...

FIREPOCTEP promotes climate change adaptation in a landscape scale of the territory, specifically on the analysis of forest fire risks by means of investments in resources focused in prevention and extinction strategies. Some demonstrative areas have been chosen both in ...

Semiarid rangelands are one of Africa's most complex and variable biomes. They are a mosaic of land uses, where extensive livestock is the main economic activity, and agriculture, soil for livelihood, or conservational uses are also crucial. They are highly ...

Adaptation to environmental conditions is key to maximise crop productivity under limited water and other stresses related to climate impacts. Combining stress resistance with desired agronomic characteristics through regular plant breeding in fruit trees such as olive requires a huge ...

FirEUrisk will develop and evaluate a novel 3-stage management strategy that will update the current approaches to fight wildfires. This plan of action is risk-centred and will cover every relevant aspect of this issue while also considering the environmental context ...

LEAP-RE seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders in the field of renewable energy. Within 5 years, LEAP-RE will support collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as develop renewable energy related innovations directly as part ...

DESIRA will develop the concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems to advance understanding of the impact of digitisation in rural areas, linking analysis directly to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. Operationalising the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, DESIRA will enrol agriculture, ...

The overall objective of this project is to develop efficient intervention strategies, enhanced process control criteria, monitoring sampling schemes, and an easy-to-use food safety decision-support IT tool for artisanal food producers, aiming to the reduction and control of foodborne pathogens ...

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a public-health food risk that is growing in awareness, concern, and danger1. Each food fraud incident has the potential to threaten consumers' well-being but also undermine confidence in ...

The proposal aims to develop an integrated, innovative, and eco-friendly approach to assess optimal shelf-life and minimize food losses of strawberries and tomatoes produced in the Mediterranean region, by combining food bio-preservation technologies, food modelling, and Food Cloud tools. The ...

Planning liver surgical resections is an extremely complex task. In this process, surgeons decide the trajectory separating the healthy part of the liver from the part that will be resected. Although liver resection has been practiced for decades, among surgerons, ...

SMARTINCS is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action started in December 2019 dealing with the implementation of new life-cycle thinking and durability-based approaches to the concept and design of concrete structures. Concepts such as self-healing concrete, repair mortars and grouts appear as ...

Mountain covers 36% of Europe area and play an essential role in the provision of public and private goods. Despite their relevance in both ecological and socioeconomic terms, we lack updated and comparable knowledge of the impacts of climate change, ...

The GEN4OLIVE project is coordinated by the Cordoba University, and involves 16 interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary partners from 7 different countries: Spain, Morocco, France, Germany, Italy, Greece and Turkey. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research ...

Access to health and wellbeing may be difficult for people due to their gender, disabilities or minority status, and especially if they live in a peripheral small town or city. To solve this problem, modern approaches are needed to integrate ...

The traditional epidemiologic triad model holds that clinical infectious diseases result from the interaction of the pathogen, the host and the environment. The initial impact in the 1980s of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on wild and domestic rabbits slowly abated ...

Prohibited substances in sports encompass a large number of chemicals covering a wide range of structures and polarities, which makes it difficult their efficient simultaneous extraction from biological fluids. On the other hand, LC-MS/MS, suitable for detecting and quantifying a ...

IMPROVEMENT will develop, validate and demonstrate a system to turn public buildings into almost zero energy consumption buildings (nZeB) by including mirco-networks of generation combining warm, cold and electricity and conceive to respond to the SUDOE climate conditions. Therefore, the ...

LIFE AGROMITIGA will promote a low-carbon agricultural system, providing validated results applicable to EU commitments on climate global alliances. LIFE AGROMITIGA aims to decouple CO2 emissions regarding the use of raw materials and natural resources, through Conservation Agriculture. The project ...

This Project aims to facilitate clean tech sharing between research Institutions and SMEs, by commercializing prototypes and new services for effective e-monitoring and ground spray control of specific pests in Med basin.

The aim of this project is to bring together subject matter experts from the academic and non-academic sectors to develop and exemplify the use of new catalysts and new green reactions to manufacture important halogenated compounds that could be used ...

The focus of WEDISTRICT is large-scale replication of best practice: better valorization of local resources, like renewable and waste heat by making District Heating and Cooling networks more efficient in relation to the use of new resources. In parallel, systems ...

The overarching objective of the GOTHAM project is to develop and validate a user-driven and scalable tool that enables effective groundwater governance to preserve the quantity and quality of this strategic resource on the Mediterranean basin. One of the main ...

The existence and management of permanent grasslands (PG) is key to the delivery of multiple ecosystem services (ES) across Europe. However, PG maintenance and functions are under threat from sub-optimal management of inputs, cultivation in higher output farming systems and ...

The Water bioremediation using Algae-Bacteria consortia for rural Areas project, WABA project principal goal is to develop an alternative eco-friendly and sustainable wastewater treatment process for rural areas based on a microalgae- bacteria consortium. The potential of microalgae for bioremediation ...

Life on Earth relies on photosynthesis that converts water and carbon dioxide into organic molecules using absorbed light by chlorophylls bound to light harvesting complexes (LHC). During evolution, LHC have maximized the capability to capture light energy, allowing organisms to ...

Due to environmental and economic factors as well as the lack of coordination between the agents involved in its conservation, the European eel is currently in danger of extinction. SUDOAND proposes a solution based on scientific evidence to provide accurate ...

Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are important contributors of global primary production in the ocean, as they are responsible for a significant fraction of carbon fixation in aquatic habitats. Moreover, these cyanobacteria together with other marine phototrophic microorganisms (diatoms and pico-and nanophytoplankton) ...

Carotenoids evolved in cyanobacteria as components of membranes providing a structural role and likely influencing permeability to oxygen. Then they became complexed with proteins that enabled a great diversification in their functions to include both 1O2 quenching and light harvesting ...

This Project aims to identify natural and recycled construction materials and related technologies to develop and popularize the NZEB with low carbon footprint in Spain and Portugal.There will be built 11 demonstrators to check hypothesis and results either in residential, ...

Our ability to feed the world with innovative products depends on new breeding methods and technologies that will require well-trained plant breeders who understand fieldwork, skilled scientist who understand the genetic basis of the traits to improve and data scientist ...

It is widely documented that social and emotional learning (SEL) programs are effective in promoting mental health and wellbeing in children and young people. However, a number of shortcomings of these programs have been identified, which may compromise their sustainability ...

The overall objective of the action is to support formulation and implementation of Chinese policies, legislation, standards and measures that will contribute enable better management, use and protection of groundwater resources and increased coverage of safe groundwater-based water supply in ...

For some years now, fire risk and emergency management have been very serious threats to the territory of Andalusia/Portugal, especially in the border area. In fact, the progressive abandonment of cultivation and grazing has allowed the development of combustible and ...

Effective and timely conservation and sustainable development policy relies on high quality biodiversity information. Yet the capacity to generate, integrate and deliver this information in user-friendly formats is a particular challenge in biodiversity hotspots such as the Tropical Andes. Existing ...

Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterium with pathogenic potential that has led to diseases in a variety of Woody crops and tres. It has set alarms across Europe since its detection in 2013 in olive groves surrendering over 1 million olive ...

SuWaNu Europe is an EU funded projected focused on the use of reclaimed water for irrigation in agriculture. The reason behind is that wastewater when treated according to appropriate standards and methods has a strong potential to complement conventional water ...

SHui is conceived as a network integrating long-term experiments of its 19 academic and SME partners across different environmental conditions and cropping systems in the EU and China. It provides a platform for research on soil-water resources management under water ...

Strawberry is fundamental crop for Mediterranean countries, the fruits have unique flavour and precious nutritional properties and their economic value is extremely high. Growing healthy strawberry using sustainable protection solutions that preserve the fruits quality and yield, and respect human ...

Climate change is having a substantial negative impact on the agricultural industry, especially in southern Europe. Increased temperatures and change in precipitation patterns (longer dry periods and more heavy rainfalls) are having a detrimental impact on the livestock of farmers ...

Multiple sclerosis affects over 1MN people in EU and 2.5MN worldwide. It is a chronic, progressive illness which results in significant physical and cognitive disabilities. Neurologists use clinical, biological and imaging biomarkers to establish a diagnosis and well-established treatments to ...

The project "Creation of shared value for the beef supply chain from IoT and blockchain" (ShareBeef) is one of the use cases of the project "Internet of Food and Farm 2020" (IoF2020), coordinated by Wageningen University and Research. ShareBeef aims ...

This project aims to:- Promote scientific excellence in the Andalusia-Algarve transboundary cooperation area in the field of Microalgae biotechnology, through the creation of a transnational network of Universities, centers of R+D+i, technologists centers and companies dedicated to research, production and ...

The overall objective is to use existing biobanked samples and dietary and phenotype data from cohort studies and randomized controlled trials to, a) identify novel lipidomics biomarkers of cardiometabolic health which could replace or be used in addition to fatty ...

The dehesa/ montado, a transboundary agrosilvopastoral ecosystem without comparation in Europe, is in a serious crisis. It is also a very important tool, thanks to its services and products, in order to mitigate the climate change and the reduction of ...

OK-Net EcoFeed is funded within the EU Horizon 2020 program, started in January 2018 and runs for 3 years until December 2020. The project has 19 partners covering 11 European countries. The consortium includes multiple actors including feed processors and ...

The current work to develop climate services indicates that the following crucial improvements are required to increase user adoption and satisfaction: (a) indicators and resolution of the indicators given by the service needs to address a wider range of user ...

This project aims to promote the use of biodegradable biomass generated in the southern area of Andalusia and Portugal as bioenergy. To this end, this project will develop rapid and economic analysis models based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) technology, which ...

Fungi have a devastating impact on human nutrition and health. Each year, fungal pathogens provoke enormous agricultural losses in crop plants and contaminating food with harmful mycotoxins. The soil-borne fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum infects plant root and vascular tissue, causing ...

In less than 40 years, humanity will face the challenge of having to feed 9 billion inhabitants, which will require a 70% increase in global agricultural productivity. Currently, losses in crop yields caused by fungal diseases account for approximately $60 ...

Fungi have a devastating impact on human nutrition and health. Fungal pathogens provoke huge yield losses in crops, destroying around 23% of the agricultural production annually. A major proportion of this loss is caused by pathogenic root-colonizing microbes that have ...

The Life project bioDEHESA aims to Promote the sustainable and integrated management of dehesas in order to improve the state of biodiversity through the dissemination of demonstrational actions that address the main challenges related with the conservation of dehesas. "Dehesas" ...

This project aims contribute to the adaptation of field irrigation crops to climate change at the same time as mitigating the effects of this phenomenon. The contribution is through the design and implementation of agronomic management systems based on the ...

SustainFARM will investigate the economic and environmental performance of the range of locally relevant IFNS across several agri-climatic zones of Europe and design innovative IFNS systems, which are resilient and climate-smart. To improve the cost-effectiveness, different means of valorising the ...

Here, we propose an applied project where the foundations for a modern, effective genetic selection scheme in dromedary camels in Algeria are laid down through:(i) standardization of dairy/meat/fertility traits phenotyping protocols(ii) evaluation and standardization of camel identification systems(iii) implementation of ...

Over the centuries, olive trees have played an important role as one of the major sources of income and employment in Mediterranean relatively poor rain fed areas. In addition to their agro-economic value, olive cropping systems contributed - when correctly ...

Project ‘BOND' is centred on the implementation of reaching higher levels of organisation and networking, and develop a healthier, more productive, and more harmonious farming sector in Europe for the long term.The ultimate goal is to build strong organisations and ...

Aflatoxins (AF), the most toxic and carcinogenic compounds among the mycotoxins, are mainly produced by the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. Because these fungi are common soil residents of almond and pistachio orchards, these nuts are one of the ...

Primary liver cancer, which consists predominantly of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third most common cause of cancer mortality. A successful surgical resection of HCC requires complete removal of the tumour while sparing ...

Climate variability and change (CVC) embody sizeable economic, social and environmental risks in Europe and globally. Climate services (CSs) (Brasseur and Gallardo, 2016; Brooks, 2013; Lourenco et al., 2015) are essential for catalysing economic and societal transformations that not only ...

With the long-term view of increasing diversification and biodiversity in Europe and fostering sustainable development of bioeconomy, the Diverfarming consortium come together to develop and deploy innovative farming and agribusiness strategies. Diverfarming will increase the long-term resilience, sustainability and economic ...

The Mediterranean region is the main place around the world for production of olive oil. 95% of the world's olive oil is produced in the Mediterranean and mainly in Greece, Peloponnese which produces 65% of Greek olive oil, Italian regions of Sicily, ...

The present proposal is founded on the recognition that there exists a general consciousness about the need to develop and compare methodologies for detecting emerging risks, food warnings and frauds, and to be able to do this detection with high ...

The European chemical industry faces some very serious challenges if it is to retain its competitive position in the global economy. The new industries setting up in Asia and the Near East are based on novel process-intensification concepts, leaving Europe ...

Despite increasing awareness in the land use, land use change and forestry sectors (LULUCF) concerning climate change action, reflected in Decision 529/2013/EU, the emissions and carbon sink effect generated by sustainable forest management (SFM) strategies are not included in the ...

Obesity is a global health problem whose prevalence is increasing substantially due to lifestyle changes. This complex medical condition is frequently linked to serious metabolic complications and deregulation of hormonal axes, which lead to perturbed homeostasis in conditions of overweight. ...

Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE The project LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM (ENV/ES/001182) puts forwards pilot actions for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain), an area vulnerable to sea level rise and ...
Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE Acción 2.1. Puesta en valor de las oportunidades y beneficios de la biodiversidad transfronteriza. Acción 2.3. Manuales sectoriales de buenas prácticas ambientales. Acción 3.1. Proyecto piloto de dinamización socioeconómica en el ...
The Catch-C project assesses the farm-compatibility of ‘Best Management Practices' (BMPs) that aim to promote productivity, climate change mitigation, and soil quality. Information collected on current management will be spatially organised with the help of a typology of the main ...
How will Europe look like in 2038? What visions do young citizens of today have for a future Europe? What are their answers of today's major societal challenges like ageing, financial crisis, clean energy, mobility/migration, freedom and security? Which measures ...
The Photo4Future Innovative Training Network establishes a training network with five beneficiaries from academia and three beneficiaries from industry to tackle the challenges associated with photochemistry in a coherent and comprehensive fashion. In total 10 Early Stage Researchers will be ...

HUGS aims to provide an innovative, highly multidisciplinary and top educational program focusing on the valorisation of these two key side products from lignocellulosic biorefineries by implementing an international network of excellence able to provide both scientific innovation and training ...

Cell polarity and directed growth (tropism) are fundamental biological processes. Most fungi are dependent on these processes because they grow as polarised filaments called hyphae, whose growth and development are governed by physical and chemical cues from the environment. Such ...
The PROVIDE project seeks to provide a conceptual basis, evidence, tools and improved incentive and policy options to support the "smart" provision of public goods by the EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems, in the light of trade-offs and conflicts brought ...

Helminth and ectoparasitic infections of ruminants and poultry have a huge impact on the biological efficiency of these vital food sources. Indiscriminate antiparasitic use has led to drug resistance across the globe. The main alternative to the dwindling supply of ...

The project has been conceived to promote the culture of grain legumes in Europe by identifying priority issues currently limiting grain legume cultivation and devising solutions in term of novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses. LEGATO will develop ...

The project is an interdisciplinary approach to cultural landscapes of Mediterranean mountainous areas, takingas a central axis the historical study of two natural resources essential to generate agro-systems: water and soil.The proposal focuses on Sierra Nevada (Spain), Monti di Trapani ...

The continuous supply of services provided by agricultural systems is increasingly threatened by climate change in association with an estimated increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves or heavy precipitation events. MODEXTREME has the ...
UCYN-A is a globally abundant nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium with a very unusual metabolism and lifestyle. These microorganisms express nitrogenase genes with maximum transcript abundances during the light period (Zehr et al., 2007). Previous results in the group of Jonathan Zehr ...

The ThermoLidar project aims to improve the early detection of forest health, producing relevant information to support decisions making in forest planning, and will make the sustainable forest management even more crucial to maintain diverse and productive forest.

SysKid, a large-scale integrating European research project, aims at deepening our understanding of chronic kidney disease. The project paves the way for progress in prevention, new diagnostic strategies and treatment options for declining kidney function, which affects millions of patients ...
This project aims to characterize the mechanisms, molecular targets and functional relevance of the epigenetic regulation of puberty.Special emphasis will be paid to elucidate the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the control of expression of essential puberty-activating genes, such as ...

INSTANT project will face the challenge of the detection, identification and quantification of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in complex matrices such as cosmetic products and engineered food and drinks. In recent years, nanotechnology has been a hot topic in the scientific ...

The objective of the project is to evaluate the effects of climate diversity and change on airborne allergen exposure, and to implement an outdoor allergen early warning network. Climatic factors that influence allergen exposure will be used to calculate the ...
Optimize crop forecasting models through a combination of pollen, phenology and climate data.

Current development models are leading to unprecedented environmental challenges, chief amongst them, climate change. How to respond to these challenges are key research questions. Although they are global problems, their effects are felt locally, especially by the communities that traditionally ...

NutriTech will build on the foundations of traditional human nutrition research using cutting-edge analytical technologies and methods to comprehensively evaluate the diet-health relationship and critically assess their usefulness for the future of nutrition research and human well-being. Technologies include genomics, ...

Organizations (NPPO), inspection services, growers and other end-users, for early detection, eradication, control and containment of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and the moth Paysandisia archon. The methods will be developed for use at origin, point of entry, in ...

INBIOSOIL will explore in detail the recently discovered synergistic effects between entomopathogenic fungi (EPFs), entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), and semiochemicals by developing innovative co-formulations, making use of strategies derived from nature. These co-formulations will be based on capsules containing new strains ...
Proteomics is a high-throughput approach which could provide comprehensive understanding of complex developmental processes. Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is a dominant tree in Mediterranean natural communities. Oak seeds are recalcitrant. Seed proteome and germination under stress are studied predominantly ...

To improve Irrigation Water Productivity (IWP) in water-stressed watersheds, by developing and validating an Information-Decision Support System (REDSIM-IS) based on Remote sensing (RS) information and simplified water balance and crop models to assist growers in implementing and managing efficiently deficit ...
The aim is:1) Development and delivery of vaccines against the parasites of livestock of high economic and/or public health importance specifically gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, liver fluke, and Echinococcus granulosus. 2) Characterisation of Protective Immune Responses to these parasites to inform ...

By integrating the key European teams in genomics, bioinformatics, animal health and animal models, EADGENE has enabled:- The gathering of a critical mass of scientists and a unique access of complementary resources across host and pathogen models.- The development of ...
The main objective of this proposal is the creation of a critical mass of researchers and technicians in the context of the European-Nears Eastern countries specialized in the conservation and use of the cattle genetic heritage for sustainable practices of ...
The aim of SUSTOIL is to develop advanced biorefinery schemes to convert whole EU oil-rich crops (rapeseed, olive and sunflower) into energy (fuels, power and heat), food and bioproducts (chemicals and/or materials) making optimal uses of the side streams generated ...

- Improvement of water productivity through sustainable Irrigation practices and management (farm and irrigation scheme scales). - Assessment of the impact of irrigated agriculture on the regional water resources (watershed scale). - Towards a new concept of water governance. - ...

ARIADNE uses a comparative biological approach at the systems biology level to identify and validate signalling target genes that play an essential causative role in fungal virulence in both plant and human hosts.
This project aims at deciphering the putative roles of prokineticin-2 (PK2), a recently identified neuro-peptide with key roles in the control of GnRH neuronal migration, maturation of the reproductive brain and the regulation of endogenous rhythms, in the regulation of ...

1.To conduct 18 case studies across Europe based on established field experiments, which inform about and validate new cropping system designs and provide a focal point for the local development on the role of legumes in new cropping systems. 2.To ...
The objective of the project CAP-IRE is to develop concepts and tools to support future CAP design, based on an improved understanding of long term socio-economic mechanisms of change in rural areas. Concepts and tools will be developed, shaped by ...
The overall objective of this project is to provide harmonized and validated sampling strategies, structured with International standards (e.g. ISO), to support the European policies for food safety and to be suitable for food producers, in order to collect comparative ...
NOVIWAM aims to promote multilevel and interregional co-operation in the field of water management tools and methods. By learning from the experiences of others and pooling the related know-how and technology, the partners want to increase their capacity to solve ...

The multidisciplinary research teams in this consortium have played lead roles in establishing that fetal and childhood periods are vulnerable to environmental disruption leading to common reproductive disorders. This proposal will investigate: (1) connections between normal/abnormal perinatal reproductive development and ...